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Oct, 2023

Proposed PBSA By-Law Change

Hi Everyone

The PBSA Board is proposing a few changes to our current By-Laws.  Ultimately this will not change that much in the way we operate but will streamline a few of our processes.

Change #1:
Article IV.  The general membership meeting schedule will be altered to only have 2 meetings per calendar year (February and August) rather than the 8 meetings we have today.  Currently these are the two most attended meetings of the year so we plan to keep them. 

Reasoning: Currently we have 8 general membership meetings on the calendar.  Attendance at those meetings is typically just a board member or two with zero members so we propose to only hold the meetings that typically have membership attendance.

Change #2:
Article III (a).  Voting members will only consist of the PBSA Officers, members of the PBSA Board of Directors, and Team Managers.

Reasoning: Currently a member can obtain voting rights by attending ¼ of the general membership meetings.  However we have not had anyone gain voting rights by this method in over 6 years.  Ultimately the voting membership remains unchanged.

Change #3:
Article IX.  Moving forward when the PBSA Board needs to make a change to the by-laws we will need to send that change via email from the Secretary to the general membership for a 14 day public comment period.  This would remove the need to present the change at a general membership meeting.

Reasoning: If we are no longer going to have a monthly meeting we will not have a venue to present these changes for comment.  Currently we present the changes at meetings with zero attendance so no one is there to comment anyway.  This change will still allow the general membership to comment prior to a change being made and the voting members will still need to approve it as they do today.  The change does however streamline the process. 

If you wish to read the current wording in the By-Laws I have pasted a link below.

PBSA By-Laws

These changes will be presented at the October General Membership meeting for comment and voted for by the voting members. 

Thank you

Ryan Fulmer, PBSA Secretary


Plum Baseball and Softball Association

P.O. Box 114057 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15239

Email: [email protected]

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